This web site was developed to introduce the Coastal and Air Pollution capabilities and online hydrodynamic forecasting system for Kuwait waters. Waves and currents are the main hydrodynamic parameters that are responsible for the movement of pollutants or sediment. Forecasting of waves, tides, and tide induced currents are essential for the proper operation of any projects in the coastal waters of Kuwait. The prediction of the fate of any oil spill is also essential for combating such spills.
In this forecast system will be developed to forecast waves, tide, tidal currents, and the movement of oil spills. An attempt is made to get good comparison between the WAM model and a new prediction technique with less computer running time. The new Wind-Wave prediction technique for hind-cast, now-cast and forecasting of wave height conditions over the Kuwaiti territorial waters is an interactive, online model and takes minimum of computer simulation time. This new model is named as “Kwave model” for wind wave perdition. Tide predictions and tidal current prediction model for Kuwait water will be develop for Kuwait waters.
Finally an oil spill model will be part of the forecast system to provide a forecast for the movement of any oil spill that might occur in the Kuwaiti territorial waters.
The web site address name is (
Prediction of tidal variations in water level is of importance in a wide range of practical applications such as: Navigation through inter-coastal waterways, and within estuaries, bays, and harbors; fishing, etc. This report provides a brief review of the basic theory for tidal prediction, an overview of how this theory is implemented, a step-by-step guide for developing and using a tidal prediction model. Kuwait Tide Model is a general-purpose, state-of-the-art water levels prediction model. It is capable of estimating the water level variation due to tides at a number of stations in the Kuwaiti territorial waters. The Kuwait Tide Prediction model was validated using measured water levels and was found to predict the water level variation well. The Kuwait Tide Prediction model was also validated using other models and provided good results
A new Tidal Current prediction technique is developed for hind-cast, now-cast and forecasting of Tidal current conditions over the Kuwaiti territorial water and the Arabian gulf. It is an interactive, online model. The computer simulation time required for this new modeling technique for Tidal Current history prediction in very little. The present technique is validated and named as KCurrent model. The results of this technique are compared with RMA model results and are found to be good.
Kuwait Tidal Current model is an efficient and interactive model and easy to use for any user with a little experience in a computer usage. Although more advanced features are anticipated to evolve in the future, this version is sufficiently user-friendly and can provide the base information for water circulation for Kuwait Waters. The information provided by this model can be further used to calculate sediment/pollutant transport for Kuwait waters.
A new Wind-Wave prediction technique is developed for hind-cast, now-cast and forecasting of wave height conditions Hs over the Kuwaiti territorial waters. It is an interactive, online model. The computer simulation time required for this new relationship technique for wave history prediction is very little. The present technique is validated and is named as Kwave model. The results of this technique are compared with WAM model results and are found to be good. For establishing the technique, one needs measured wave history at a point for a year or more and the corresponding wind speed and wind direction for a year or more at the same location. This study will be of great benefit to different shareholders involved with coastal projects in Kuwait and for the Environment Public Authority (EPA) and Public Ports Authority of Kuwait for instantaneous information of the wave condition in Kuwaiti waters.
The Kuwait Oil Spill emergency prediction model (Al-Salem et al.,1993) will be linked to the forecasting model to give quick information for the decision makers on the fate of oil movement based on a leakage of oil in the Kuwaiti territorial waters. The model can predict the fate of an oil spill for given wind and hydrodynamic conditions. A new online interface will also be developed for the internet for Oil Spill emergency model.
The model extended to cover the all Arabian Gulf waters.
It’s a valuable tool for user to create a rose plot and the statistical of frequency table for wave height and tidal current for any location and time period in the Kuwait waters and Arabian Gulf.